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Primera semana en Espana

· Reizen

My first week in Spain! And what an excitement I have experienced. So good to be here, finally. Ten days ago I stepped into an airplane that brought me to this adventure. A lifetime experience. 

Today I can tell you some of my first impressions of Spain and the people, my university and of beautiful Barcelona. The first weekend we came here, we've been real adventurers. My friend and I were exploring Vic, the little village we live in, and we felt in LOVE. On Monday we had our first day of school in Spain. The orientation week had started. It was a fun but very intense week. We followed these language courses in Spanish and Catalan, for four hours each day. After our siësta we would continue our program, once we've watched a human-tower performance (a real Catalan tradition here), once we've had a guided tour through Vic, once a cultural workshop, we received a lot of information of course and on Saturday we went to Barcelona. 

During this first week of 'school' we also had the chance to meet the parties in Vic, mostly in Norton's Bar, a bar that is really a hangout for the Erasmus students. Such a nice place and we already had so much fun there! Maybe because of the cheap Sangria? Besides this bar there are so many nice hotspots and restaurants around here in Vic, it's awesome. And oh, Plaza Major, beautiful too.

Plaza Major - Vic, Catalunya, Spain

On Friday I moved into my appartement. It's located on the edge of the historic centre of Vic and in an area where a lot of the Erasmus-students live, that's so much fun! This weekend we've spent our time on cleaning the place and making it 'our home'. It looks so nice now! This afternoon we had our first lunch with our Erasmus neighbors. How fun is that? Our own kind of housewarming you may say. 

Roman Bridge - Vic, Catalunya, Spain

As I already mentioned, we went to Barcelona on Saturday. What a beautiful town. And we could enjoy the sunshine! For the first time this week. Actually, previous week, it was snowing around here. Yeah, no kidding. But luckily sunny weather is around the corner. Tomorrow my courses are starting and I'm really curious about them. At least, I am prepared.

City Center - Barcelona, Spain
City Center - Barcelona, Spain
Catedral de Barcelona - Barcelona, Spain

See you next time. Buenas noches y hasta pronto!

Lots of love,


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